

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or “Tapping” is a gentle, highly effective way to transform any issues
blocking emotional happiness or personal achievement.

It is a fast and effective way to get rid of unwanted negative emotions that cause emotional or physical distress, and that
stop you from accomplishing what you want to and from feeling comfortable in your own skin.

EFT combines elements of Exposure and Cognitive Therapy with somatic stimulation of acupressure points (tapping with
your fingers) on the face and body, to address physical, emotional and mental pain stored inside of us.

EFT helps to identify the sources of the dis-ease, release the emotional charge stored within the body, and re-wire the negative programming behind the symptoms.

EFT is about returning the mind, body and feelings to a state of balance and harmony so you are not limited by negative emotions & their limited effects.

How does EFT Work?

When you have a trauma, or something that makes you anxious, it’s as if your system downloads a malware program. It gets downloaded into your nervous system and uploaded into your brain in the amydgala and hippocampus. In that area, there’s a file for every bad thing that happens, including a picture of what happened, a story and a program that runs every time you think about it, which is the physiological response in your body.
Tapping is like finding the malware program and uninstalling it.

A memory is only as old as when you last looked at it. If you are tapping and creating pleasant feelings while you’re thinking of that old memory, that file, then you’ve changed that program. You might still have a picture of that story in your head, but if you think about it, it no longer causes you distress.
That’s the definition of emotional freedom.

Take the next step
to feeling better: