


Following an EFT session, the dispelled feelings very rarely return.
If they do, it means there is a bit more work than was initially thought. 

Of course, you can still feel angry, fearful or guilty about
other things – and it might be appropriate to do so. But if you have thoroughly used EFT for a specific issue, the feeling will
not return. Once you have sent the problem ‘downstream’, it does not come back up.

If the issue is too intense or scary, we can use EFT gently, so that the discomfort is greatly minimized.
If the issue is to private to discuss, there are ways to use EFT without the practitioner knowing what the issue is.

Not at all. In an EFT session, we meets you exactly “where you are” and go from there, even if you don’t know the cause of
your issue.


It depends. Isolated issues will usually be cleared in 1-3 sessions, but more ‘global’ concerns may take more time to resolve.

That’s all if your goal is to heal from past experiences.
But after you have had several sessions, you get the hang of EFT and you can use EFT yourself whenever you want to bring
down negative emotions as they come up, almost like on-the-spot emotional first aid. That helps you to process emotional events better and more quickly so that they don’t become part of your emotional baggage.

EFT is done largely based on need, but one may decide to book weekly sessions to clear out negative emotions for many of
their issues, and thereby reach a totally different level of emotional freedom and emotional health.

A longer-term approach has another advantage. Once a person starts clearing out some of their negative emotions, it is
much easier to access other negative ones, other events. They get momentum, and can release and heal more efficiently.
For this reason, most EFT practitioners offer packages of 3 sessions, 5 sessions, or 10 sessions.
If you’d like more info about that, let me know

Using EFT yourself can help you regain your center.

But tapping with a qualified EFT practitioner will give you a whole new level of grounding and emotional freedom.

I will hold space for you,  and will cater the tapping to fit you and your situation – exactly where you are emotionally, today, and enable you to release negative emotions that are ready to be released now.

I will work with you to release the emotional pain of negative experiences, so you are free of them for good. Afterwards, you will still remember what happened, but it will no longer carry the heavy emotional charge that weighed you down before. That means your everyday experience of life will be less stressful, lighter,  and more balanced.

As your practitioner, I can help you discover your limiting beliefs, those “I can’ts” and “I’ll never be able to’s” that hold you back from achieving your goals and from running after your dreams.

But what’s more, I will help you uncover the events that caused you to form those limiting beliefs, and using EFT, I will help you form new beliefs that support your growth.