

Here's where you'll find more info on the specific issue you are looking into.

Painful Emotions from Former Relationships

The relationship ended a long time ago but you are still thinking about them all the time…

EFT tapping helps you clear  and let go of all of your leftover emotions about your former relationship. 

It’s difficult to forget your ex when you have so many powerful emotions connected to them. 

A certified EFT Practitioner will help you identify your major memories with your ex and take away their emotional charge. This way, you won’t feel so emotionally connected. 

You will no longer feel that overwhelming sadness and longing.

Who needs that constant pain?

With EFT Tapping, you will finally forget about your ex and be free to move on with your life!

Food Cravings

“With food cravings, there’s a program running that says when bad things happen, I just need to get a candy bar or
some junk food. That program tells you it’s a quick fix, and you’ll feel better briefly. What you do is access the feeling that’s causing cravings, tap on it, and remove the trigger of that feeling for that personal craving.” 

Tapping removes the trigger, and without the trigger, the craving just stops.

Physical Pain

How can you function with all that pain? Has a doctor told you that your are fine and it must be psychological?

BACK pain, NECK Pain, SHOULDER pain, HEADACHES, etc.: most of the time, a good amount of this pain can be completely removed, for good, using EFT tapping. How?

– EFT tapping can help reduce the intensity of chronic pain by calming the nervous system and reducing stress levels, which can contribute to pain. 

– By tapping on specific meridian points on the body, EFT can help release any blockages or disruptions in the energy flow within the body, which can contribute to physical pain.

– EFT tapping can also help address any emotional or psychological factors that may be contributing to chronic pain, such as anxiety or depression. 

By addressing these underlying issues, EFT tapping can help reduce the intensity and frequency of chronic pain.

– EFT can help remove the emotional causes of pain, bringing you fast relief from your pain that will last. When we find the emotional cause of the pain and use EFT to resolve that cause, there is great relief from that pain.

And once we remove the root-causes of your pain, I will show you how you can use EFT tapping on the spot yourself to help you if any small pain returns. 

Imagine your life without all that pain!


*Note: Emotional Freedom Techniques is not a replacement for medical treatment. Consult with a physician or health care provider if you are in physical distress.

Pain from Past Events

And the misery we sometimes carry with us throughout our lives, that weighs us down every day. 

Take away the emotional charge of those painful memories from childhood. You will feel lighter and be more capable of living the life you want to live now, in the present. You will be amazed how much better you feel when you are free from your past.



If you are having a hard time falling asleep, EFT can help you be relaxed so that you can fall asleep.
If you are waking up at night from worry & anxiety, EFT can help you feel calm enough to get back to sleep.

Ready to begin your healing journey?
Ready to
release your pain
and have a happier life?